Tuesday 31 January 2017


The transport industry moves passengers and products from one place to another.
  • Water transport: Cruise ships carry passengers on holiday tours. Cargo ships transport heavy products over long distances. Tankers transport liquids (petroleum,...).
Picture from Wikimedia
Picture from PublicDomainPictures
Picture from Wikipedia

  • Rail transport: Passengers and products can be transported by train. Passengers can get on and off at stations. Products can be loaded and unloaded.
Picture from Wikipedia
Picture from 1080plus
  • Road transport: cars, buses and lorries travel on roads. Buses can carry lots of passengers. Lorries can deliver products from door to door.
Picture from Wikimedia

Picture from clubfiat500

Picture from Wikimedia
  • Air transport: Planes transport products and passengers over long distances. Aeroplanes are fast.
Picture from Wikimedia

The tourism industry provides accommodation and entertainment for tourists.
There are many types of tourism:
  • beach tourism,
Picture from Wikipedia
  • cultural tourism,
Picture from Wikipedia
  • rural tourism,
Picture from Wikimedia
  • adventure tourism.
Picture from flickr

Spain is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world because of its climate, culture, beaches and monuments.
Picture from Wikipedia

Picture from Wikipedia

Picture from Wikimedia

Monday 30 January 2017


Aquí os dejo la ficha para repasar el tema. Ya sabéis que tenéis las soluciones al final de la página, con ellas podéis comprobar si vuestras soluciones son correctas. Espero que os sirva de ayuda.

Por cierto, gracias a Gonzalo M. Que me ha indicado que hay un error en el ejercicio 6. La solución correcta es 48, ya que si tenía 120€ y ha gastado 3/5 (72), le quedan 120-72=48€ (que es lo que se preguntaba).

Sunday 29 January 2017


The tertiary sector, also called the service sector, is made up of businesses that offer manufactures products and services to consumers.
Picture from onjobs
We can divide these services into different areas:
  • Doctors, nurses and dentists all work in the health sector.
  • Teachers work in the education sector.
  • Public safety: police officers, firefighters, soldiers and security guards.
  • Skilled jobs: mechanics and electricians...
  • Administrative work: secretaries, bank clerks and civil servants.
  • Cultural professions: writers, musicians, actors, painters and sculptors.
  • Judicial system: lawyers, prosecutors and judges.
In Spain, more people work in the tertiary sector than in the primary and secondary combined.
About 11% of the people working in the tertiary sector work in the tourism industry. Most of them in hotels or in bars and restaurants.
About 25% of the people working in the tertiary sector do administrative jobs (bank clerks and secretaries).

Friday 27 January 2017


Cualquier fracción mayor que la unidad se puede expresar como un número mixto.
Foto de mategradosexto
Para ello tenemos que dividir el numerador entre el denominador.
La parte entera del número mixto será el cociente de esa división (sin sacar decimales) y para la parte fraccionaria, el numerador será el resto y el denominador el que ya teníamos, el divisor.
Imagen de AulaFacil.com

Foto desde misapuntesmaestros


Monday 23 January 2017


Para sumar o restar fracciones y unidades, "convertimos" la unidad en una fracción con el mismo denominador que la fracción que tenemos que sumar o restar y que por lo tanto tendrá también el mismo numerador. Después sumamos o restamos.
Foto desde maestrosanblas


Ecosystems change over time. Sometimes the changes are natural, but sometimes they are caused by human activity.
What causes natural changes?
Natural changes in ecosystems are caused by variations in environmental conditions, such as seasonal changes or the natural development of ecological communities.
Picture from Wikimedia
 What consequences does human activity have?
Human activities such as pollution, overfishing, forest fires and deforestation can destroy habitats or entire ecosystems.
Human activities often release dangerous substances into the air, water or soil. For example, waste from some industries can kill many organisms and destroy entire ecosystems.
Picture from Wikimedia
Humans take a lot of marine animals from the sea. This causes changes in the food web of marine ecosystems.
Picture from Wikimedia
 Forest fires:
Human activity produces waste such as broken glass and cigarrettes, and barbecues can cause fires that destroy large areas of forest.
Picture from Wikimedia
Many forests are being cut down by the wood and paper industries or by farmers to make larger farms. This can result in the destruction of the natural forest ecosystem.
Picture from Wikipedia

Friday 20 January 2017


Cuando tenemos que sumar o restar fracciones con el mismo denominador, el resultado será otra fracción con el mismo denominador que las anteriores y como numerador la suma o la resta de los numeradores que hemos sumado o restado:

Imagen de la presentación de Sandra Farías 
Aquí puedes practicar:


The biosphere is all of the ecosystems on the Earth. It includes the oceans, the land, the atmosphere and all the living things on the planet.
Picture from Wikipedia

The place where a population lives is called its habitat. There can be many habitats in a single ecosystem. Sometimes living things can share a habitat.
Picture from Wikipedia

An ecosystem that has several types of habitat is called biome. For example, various habitats are found in savannahs. Some parts of the savannah have grasses and bushes. In other parts, trees can be found. Areas with ponds and small lakes form habitats for aquatic animals and plants.
Picture from wikipedia

The biosphere is the biggest known biome. It includes all of the habittats on Earth.

Many populations of animals can live in an ecosystem. Some of them share habitats. For example, in a rainforest ecosystem, the inmediate habitat od leafcutter ants includes the soil where they build their ant hill. Their habitat extends to the surrounding trees where the ants collect their food. The habitat of toucans includes the treetops where they live and feed. Their habitat doesn't include the soil because they don't visit that part of the rainforest.

Wednesday 18 January 2017


There are many types of ecosystems. To classify them, we examine their physical environment.
Pond ecosystems are small areasof water and their surrounding land.
The water, the soil or sand at the bottom of the pond and the banks of the pond are non-living things.
Aquatic plants such as water lilies, and animals such as ducks, turtles, pond skaters and dragonflies are found in this ecosystem.
Picture from dreamstime.

Woodland ecosystems can be flat or hilly. They sometimes have mountains and valleys.
There are non-living things such as soil and rocks, rivers or streams and also dead leaves and branches.
Among the living things, there are plants such as trees and shrubs. Many animals live here: snakes, squirrels, birds and insects such as beetles and ants.
Picture from BBC
Coast ecosystems have non-living things, such as the land and water along the coast, beaches, cliffs, dunes and rock pools.
Many different living things are found there: plants such as seaweed and dune grasses, and animals such as seagulls, fish and starfish.
Picture from USGS

Prairie ecosystems are large, flat areas.
The non-living things include soil and often rivers or lakes.
There are a variety of living things. Grasses and shrubs grow there, so prairies are sometimes called grasslands or savannahs.Zebras, rabbitsand owls, and insects such as grasshoppers and ants, are commonly found there.

Picture from livescience
City ecosystems can be flat or hilly with rivers or lakes, or on the coast. Buildings and roads are some of the non-living things in cities, but there are a variety of living things too.
Cities often have parks and gardens. Grasses, trees and bushes can all be found in most cities. Cities are home to many types of birds, such as mice, lizards, insects and sometimes foxes, can also be found.
Picture from The conversation.

Tuesday 17 January 2017


aquí os dejo el modelo de examen del tema de las fracciones.
Al final vienen las soluciones para que podáis comprobar si os sale bien.
Espero que os sea útil.

Saturday 14 January 2017


The relationships between the organisms that eat and the organisms that are eaten are called trophic relationships.
Producers (plants) make their own food.
Herbivores are primary consumers, they feed on plants.
Carnivores are secondary consumers, they feed on herbivores.
Other carnivores are tertiary consumers, they feed on secondary consumers.
Decomposers break down the remains of dead organisms.
A food chain shows the trophic relationships between different organisms.
Picture from the video:

Food Chains for Kids: Food Webs, the Circle of Life, and the Flow of Energy - FreeSchool

Friday 13 January 2017


Las fracciones equivalentes representan la misma parte de la unidad.

Foto de unprofesor.com
Y aquí tenéis un vídeo que lo explica muy bien (desde la misma página del enlace anterior, donde lo podéis ver completo):

Para obtener fracciones equivalentes podemos hacerlo por dos métodos: amplificación, multiplicando el numerador y el denominador por el mismo número (el que queramos), y por simplificación, dividiendo el numerador y el denominador por el mismo número (no siempre es posible encontrar un número que divida al numerador y al denominador). Cuando llegamos a una fracción que ya no se puede simplificar más, obtenemos la fracción irreducible.

Y aquí al final os dejo un enlace con actividades para jugar y buscar fracciones equivalentes.

Thursday 12 January 2017


We can find life in all types of climates and landscapes. All of these places and the organisms that live in them form a variety of ecosystems.

An ecosystem is made up of two parts, the biotope and the biocoenosis.
  • The biotope, or phisical environment includes all of the non-living things in an ecosystem (geographical relief, soil, light and temperature).
  • The biocoenosis includes all the living things in an ecosystem (plants, animals and other organisms).
There can be many different organisms in an ecosystem.
  • A population is a group of organisms that live together and belong to the same species.
  • A community is a collection of different populations that live together in one place.
In an ecosystem, we can classify the relationships betweeen individual organisms.
  • Intraspecific relationships exist between individual members of the same species.
  • Interspecific relationships exist between individual members of different species.


Las fracciones decimales son las fracciones que tienen por denominador la unidad seguida de ceros: 10, 100, 1000...
Y cada fracción decimal es igual a un número decimal exacto:

Foto de matemáticas fracciones

Imagen de Wikirmb

Tuesday 10 January 2017


The secondary sector uses raw materials to produce manufactured products. Some of the most important secondary sector activities in Spain are the food, motor and chemical industries. The technology industry has also become very important in recent years.

Types of products: Industries in the secondary sector can be classified by the types of products that they produce:
  • Intermediate products: some industries produce intermediate products. These are products that are used by other industries. (The steel industry converts iron into steel, that is used to make cars and buses).
  • Consumer products: some industries make products that are sold directly to consumers. (The food industry transforms products from farming and fishing into consumer products).
Energy sources: factories need energy to transform raw materials into products.WH
  • Some energy comes from renewable sources, such as sunlight, water or wind. These sources of energy are unlimited.
  • Some energy comes from non-renewable sources, such as coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear energy. These sources of energy are limited.


Fishing, mining and forestry are all primary sector activities.
There are two main types of fishing: coastal and deep-sea.
  • Coastal fishing is near the coast. Fishermen use small boats and traditional methods. They return to port at the end of the day.
  • Deep-sea fishing is far from the coast. Fishermen often work for weeks or months on large ships. These ships have refrigeration systems to keep the fish cold.
Mining is the extraction of rocks and minerals from the ground. There are two types of mines.
  • In underground mines, miners work deep under the ground, in shafts, tunnels and caves.
  • In opencast mines and quarries, miners work in large open-air pits to extract coal and minerals that are close to the Earth's surface.
The most typical mining products in Spain are granite, marble and slate. These are extracted in quarries.
Forestry is the use of forests to obtain plant products, such as wood, cork, cellulose and resin. Spain's most important forestry product is cork.


Agriculture is the cultivation of crops and the raising of livestock. Crops and livestock both come from nature, so agriculture belongs to the primary sector.
Arable farming produces crops for food and other products. There are two types of arable farming: dry farming and irrigated farming.

Dry farming:
  • The crops only get water when it rains.
  • Dry farmers need large fields so they can grow lots of crops.
  • The most important dry crops in Spain are wheat, grapes and olives.

Irrigated farming:
  • Farmers use irrigation systems to water their crops.
  • Farmers can grow lots of crops in relatively small fields.
  • Tomatoes beans and melons are typical crops in irrigated farming. Many fruits and garden vegetables are grown in Murcia.

Livestock farming is the raising of animals for food and non-food products. Meat, milk and eggs are examples of food products. Wool and leather are examples of non-food products.
There are two types of livestock farming: extensive and intensive.

Extensive farming:
  • Farmers raise their livestock in large fields or open pastures.
  • The animals eat what grows naturally on the land.
  • In Spain, the raising of iberian pigs is an example of extensive livestock farming.

Intensive farming:
  • Farmers raise their livestock in stables or indoor pens.
  • Farmers give the animals food, which is sometimes produced in factories.
  • Many milk cows are raised in stables. This is an example of intensive livestock farming.


The economy is divided into three sectors: primary, secondary and tertiary.
The primary sector provides raw materials from nature.
The secondary sector processes raw materials and provides manufactured products.
The tertiary sector provides a variety of services.
  1. Primary sector: raw materials are extracted from nature. Agriculture, forestry, mining and fishing are primary sector activities. These activities provide the materials that we need to manufacture products.
  2. Secondary sector: raw materials are processed or used to manufacture new products. these products are manufactured in factories and workshops.
  3. Tertiary sector: activities that provide a service make up the tertiary sector. For example transportation services take products to shops and supermarkets. Doctors and teachers also work in the tertiary sector.
 Manufactured products are used and recycled or thrown away. Recycled products are an important source of raw materials in today's economy.
Not all raw materials come from nature now! We can recycle products made from glass, paper and plastic. We can even recycle clothes and shoes.

Picture from Social Science LH


Para dividir un número decimal entre un natural, hacemos la división como si no tuviera decimales, y al llegar a la primera cifra decimal, pondremos la coma en el cociente.

Imagen de Matelucia


Para obtener el cociente decimal en una división de números naturales (sacar decimales), hacemos la división como la hacemos siempre y al acabar, si el resto es diferente a cero, ponemos una coma en el cociente y añadimos ceros en la parte decimal del dividendo.

Imagen de Programando quinto, blog de matemáticas

Imagen de Programando quinto, blog de matemáticas

Imagen de Programando quinto, blog de matemáticas

Imagen de Programando quinto, blog de matemáticas